Vulnerability scans
Protify supports clients with (required) vulnerability scans of the IT infrastructure, how IT resources are being used in the company and which policies govern IT usage. From small to huge and complex infrastructures: we employ a method adjusted to your company and applicable to any type of organization.
Vulnerability scans can often be planned on the short term. After the intake vulnerability scans are carried out remotely, so the time your organization spends on it is minimal.
Protify offers two types of vulnerability scans:
Black box scan - with this scan there is no information known to the ethical hacker about which applications are used or how the system works. During this scan access is not granted by the application.
White box scan - with this scan more information is known to the ethical hacker. The ethical hacker scans from within the application to discover vulnerabilities.
Do you want to know more about these scans or about our services? Do not hesitate to contact us.